Lucien Bonnet selling plan to improve a positive image and development of Haiti via Silicon Valley
Lucien Bonnet recommande un article sur NBC News, TODAY, and msnbc.
The author of this book : Haiti Lets There Be Light ! Lucien Bonnet |
am of the age group of the Prime Minister of Canada who governed
the destinies of the country from 1993 to 2003, the Right honorable
Jean Chrétien.
Yes! I coasted along with him during one year, about 1954 -1955, as student and finishing my studies at the Saint-Joseph Seminar of Trois-Rivières. I was the only Haitian student in Trois-Rivières (Three Rivers) at that time and undoubtedly he remembers it... Perhaps! But I, "the litlte guy from Haiti", I do recall "The Little Guy from Shawinigan"! How can that be forgotten, his visual image remains in my memory? He was at that time the only student whom I knew who told jokes in the playground with his inseparable pipe at the corner of his lips!
course, nowadays, he has gotten rid of it, whereas I, from 1959
to 1962 I left Quebec and Canada to
return to Haiti, to work in Tele-Haiti. That move, that three
- year stay in Port-au-Prince certainly did modify thoroughly
my circle of friends and acquaintances. Those comings and
goings, I was going to say a must then, between Haïti and Canada,
surely were for me the occasion of experiences described today
as unusual.
Some events in Trois-Rivières in particular, return to my memory as if they happened only yesterday.
Director of the college, with great courtesy, found for me a boarding
house not far. To attend the courses at the college, it was
imperative for me to be housed and nourished. I was nineteen
years old. I aspired, in my weekend’s leisure, to hang
out with the young people of my age. My classmates were sympathetic.
As in break time, on Saturdays I wished to be with them in their
environment. Thus, the buddies of Trois-Rivières took
me out to visit the Bournival at Saint-Étienne-des-Grès,
the Chrétien and the Trudel at Shawinigan.
Lucien Bonnet
As this site shows it, Lucien Bonnet appears here as being a tested expert in what is conventionally called, in Communication Sciences, Economy of the Gift.
Here he is seen:
National Palace in the earthquake ravaged city of
Following the Government announcement on Tuesday August 23, 2012 -About the reconstruction of the Nationnal Palace of Haiti - That heavily damaged by the earthquake of January 2010 - will be demolished for reconstruction, many Haitians of the Diaspora propose to return in their native country where, among other challenges, the possibilities of comfortable dwellings do not fail to be lacking. But one expects that this housing crisis becomes even more alarming as political stability in Haiti settled and that more significant waves of Haitians, and North-American tourists will flow towards that country.Without falling into a happy optimism concerning the near possibility from a durable social climate, economically and politically healthy, the housing market, which is hardly negligible, deserves as of now some attention.
Admittedly, Haïti is known as one of the poorest countries of the hemisphere. The great majority of the population can thus hardly hope, in the short or mid term, to be housed decently. There are, however, significant customers, financially sound, but who do not yet find an answer to their housing needs. Those customers, first of all, consist of professionals Haitians, of the Diaspora, who return to the country to remain there permanently ; those customers consist also of those who annually spend there their holidays with their family. We also know that a potential mass of North-American tourists, and mainly people from Quebec, do not wait until the situation is favorable to enjoy the sunny beaches of that area of the Caribbean.
Concerning professionals Haitians, members of the Diaspora, who return to the country temporarily or who are reinstalled there with their families, their life style, to which they were accustomed during their long stay abroad, creates in them needs for a type of housing that they cannot currently find in Haiti. As for the North-American tourists, the hotel infrastructure, still very unsatisfactory, is more and more worsened by the complete absence of accommodations, requested by the people who want to take their family with them for vacation. Solution : the condominium
This type of housing, the condo, is also very in demand by the Haitian customers. It meets the needs for quality of life, sought by the often numerous Haitian families coming for their holidays, but being able with difficulty to remain, either at their parents place, whose residences are generally very tiny, or in the rare residences available, whose comfort leaves something to be desired.
It also meets the demands of the families who are eager to settle permanently in the country. The dwellings traditionally built by the local promoters not only are far from adapted to the life style of these customers, but also, they are built with a distressing slowness and insecurity
Generally, Haitians of the Diaspora as well as all the North-Americans would like housings whose space is well arranged, and preferably located near the sea. That is what the condo offers. And Canada already proved to be reliable in that field.
In the field of the condo built on the tropical shores, Canadian successes, for a few years, have been recorded. The case of builders from Montreal is very significant. One of them, the Group Lépine, has built a whole complex of condominiums on the beaches of Florida. Known in Quebec particularl- for its "Pyramids of the Olympic Village", its "Sanctuary of Mont-Royal", its "Sir Robert Peel", its recent "1200 Ouest de Maisonneuve" - and the "Sir George Simpson" in Montreal - as well as its "Laurier Tower" in Ottawa it was, as well as others, spear heading that sector where Canadian builders followed the lead, its achievements having borne their fruits.
It is thus to be anticipated that, once political stability in Haïti is established, promoters of that category will be interested in addressing the expectations in that country in regards to condominiums. The Canadian expertise in that field is not any more to show and the capital is far from missing. Moreover, the market will certainly not fail to be extremely lucrative, the more so since the formula of the condo is not yet really established in Haïti.
Other assets come to militate in favor of the promoters from Quebec : the public image of Canada as it has just been underlined over there, membership of Haiti as part of the French speaking countries and strong concentration of Haitians in Quebec.
In Haiti, the marvelous sites ready to accommodate the establishment of such projects are still very numerous. It is enough to think of the Anse dAzur in Jérémie, of Kyona not far from Port-au-Prince or, towards "Montrouis" close to Saint-Marc, of that splendid white sand beach where the sunny sea so limpid and calm is called Amani-y-les bains! Moreover, labor is cheap there in this "Taiwan of the Caribbean", and local customers will without any doubt be interested in this type of dwelling, the condominium. In exchange, Haiti will be able to inherit housing complexes which adequately meet the needs of the tourists, as well as the needs of Haitians. Some people of the country will also be able to possibly profit from technical training in that sector.
Thus it appears clearly that there is an increased request for condos in Haïti, which waits to be satisfied only once political stability has been established. Canada seems to be best placed to meet such a need, provided that it does not remain eternally in a waiting mode, whereas the international competition is increasingly pressing. In this field, more than anywhere elsewhere, the co-operation between Canada and Haiti will not fail to be profitable for the two partners.
René Lépine présente la maquette du Sanctuaire du mont Royal, en 1981.
(Courtesy of the president René G. Lépine)
René G. Lépine, Sr. (October 23, 1929 April 18, 2012) was Canadia real estate tycoon, developer, businessman and philanthropist. He was the founder of Groupe Lépine, a privately owned real estate company headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, of which he was the Chairman and President.[2]
Lépine developed many buildings and landmarks in Montreal, including the Olympic Village and the Sanctuaire du Mont-Royal complex.
Lépine died at his home on April 18, 2012, after a lengthy battle with prostate cancer
Mardi 24 avril 2012 | Mise en ligne à 15h14 | Commentaires (3)
Ce sont les cinq enfants nés de son premier mariage, Francesca, René, Francis, Normand et Louis, qui dirigent le Groupe Lépine depuis plusieurs années déjà.