Haïti’s Coat of Arms


Montreal, March 22, 1995

President William Jefferson Clinton
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Mister President:

Please allow me to take the opportunity of your visit to Haiti, as President of the United States of America, on March 31, 1995, to pay due tribute in all sincerity to you and your distinguished wife, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You honor Haiti and the Haitian people with your presence and support.

Thanks to you and your allies in the United Nations and the Organization of American States, the return-to-democracy process has been successfully carried out. Now that the legitimate President, Jean Bertrand Aristide, has been reinstated in his official status, it is with legitimate pride, I am sure that he welcomes you to his country. For you, as well as for us, the “Uphold Democracy” operation is truly a beautiful historical moment.

Mr. President, I come from Haiti, that underdeveloped country.

With underdeveloped tools — a camera and a few films — I have tried, in order to serve my country’s cause, to demystify the word “light” and denounce Newton’s Theory of Colors.

With that same desire to serve constitutional legitimacy in my country, I have written the enclosed book entitled Haiti, Let There Be Light! I hope that you and Mrs. Clinton will accept this privately produced copy, especially intended for you, while you are getting ready for your trip to Haiti.

May I make a confession to you, Mr. President? I followed, closely and with intense interest, your electoral campaign, election, and swearing-in ceremony as 42nd President of the United States. What a great nation you represent! Please believe me: your courageous commitment to facilitate the restoration of democracy in my country has escaped no one. On the very day of your swearing-in ceremony, I wished to send you my book, «Haïti, Que La Lumière Soit!», which questions Newton’s Theory of Colors. I did not do so, because I felt an English-language version would be more appropriate.

Since I could not send you a copy of the yet-to-be-published English version of my book, I contented myself with dreaming — dreaming that on one of your first evenings in the White House, you were seated in the Oval Room with Mrs. Clinton and your daughter Chelsea. You were reading «Haïti, Que La Lumière Soit!» I imagined you carefully examining certain passages of that work in its English version, which is now in preparation — typed by a sightless, multilingual Haitian. Those paragraphs deal with the so-called missing matter, darkness in space, “black holes” — in a word: the invisible mass of the Cosmos. You notice Dr. Carl Sagan’s research on Exobiology and the DNA found in the dark matter in the universe, and you suddenly remember a Time article from April 10, 1978 entitled “Black Holes and Martian Valleys”, which contained the following passage:

“A while later, astronomer Carl Sagan (The Dragons of Eden) found himself lugging his slide box into the Vice President’s big new house and, after coffee, taking the Mondale and Carter families on a journey through the heavens.

Jimmy Carter is the closest thing to a scientist we have had in the White House since Thomas Jefferson.

Nixon could not run a tape recorder.

Johnson could not fully figure out his alarm wrist watch.

Not Jimmy. He was fascinated by the discussion of “Black Holes” and the speculation that they might provide answers to what holds the Universe together.”

“Well,” you exclaimed, “O.K. for former President Carter. It is normal for the President of a star-spangled republic to choose between “Star Peace” and “Star War”. As to the former President’s inclination toward Einstein’s physics and/or Planck’s Quantum Theory, there is a great temptation to apply certain laws of the Cosmos to politics and diplomacy. Consider the “Tunnel Effect”, the way that energy escapes from black holes.

“Carter goes back to the sources and draws inspiration from them. That makes me think about Aristide — both of them are well at ease in both the Western world and the Black world: the visible and the invisible. However, there is one difference: the Haitians follow Aristide everywhere, like a comet’s tail. If Aristide is considered as a “Black Sun”, then the Haitians are “space refugees”.

“Yes, Haiti! We are pulled down to earth. Democracy… the exodus of the Boat People… with the Law of Probabilities, whether we think about Planck or Carter, it doesn’t seem that a solution will be found tomorrow…

“What business did the Haitians have in that “boat”?”

“Say, there above, the Black Twin! Is it still broad daylight in the shadow of the “Black Sun”?”

Oh God,” you say aloud to Mrs. Clinton: “Eureka! I have found it! « Fiat lux!» «Let there be light!» «Que la lumière soit!» Black holes, «Black Sun», «Tunnel effect», «Aristide factor», «Boat people», «Space refugees», Carl Sagan, Jimmy Carter… six of one and half a dozen of the other.”

There is loud laughter in the Oval Room.

Bill a ri

Bill laughed

Hillary a ri

Hillary laughed

Chelsea a ri aussi

Chelsea laughed too


Humor is American, Mr. President, and so are dreams. Let my book Haïti, Que La Lumière Soit! be the “dark matter”, arguing in favor of the development of the Black world — visible and invisible!

In the area of science, high technology, creative innovation, and space exploration, I think there is nothing that America cannot deal with. That is why, in that spaceship of universal energy, I dare sail with a dream.

In my dream, it is your first trip inside your SPACE AIR FORCE ONE, propelled by the energy of invisible and concentrated dark matter, like black holes. A mini black hole of an avant-garde design whose motor sequence develops inertia, spectral speed, speed equal to or higher than that of light, and scientifically controlled reversibility of the phenomenon.

What a new synthesis, but also what a liberation!

Synthesis and analysis of two wings of the same bird — contracted and unfolded at the same time, following the heartbeat of the Universe tamed inside the infinitely small: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!”

This would be the natural and constructive counterpart of Newton’s Theory of Light and Colors, which slows down that impulse. This is a necessary change in the name of development and progress humbly submitted on behalf of Haiti: a testimony of gratitude toward mankind. Let us go further, to the other side of the Universe, as suggested by an eyewitness: the Hubble telescope, with its camera.

“… Hubble focused on the centre of the galaxy [M87], an area 500 light-years across. The pictures revealed a spiral structure formed by fast-moving gas clouds being drawn toward the centre, rather like water going down a drain.”

Dr. Harms said the Hubble spectrographic camera was then focused on points 60 light-years across on opposite sides of the spinning disc. This camera breaks down light into its wavelength parts, rather like a prism separates colours in sunlight.” (The Globe and Mail, Thursday, May 26, 1994)

Let us in the long run, replace the camera by a motor run by the ENERGY OF THE YEAR 2000, transforming the DARK MATTER from the invisible to the visible and vice versa. We would there by take advantage of the sequence of coloured and colorless light speeds, so as to better visit the Universe, where law and order are transcendent, just as in democracy.

I have decided to write this letter because your leadership, Mr. President, like an inevitable and immeasurable energy, has practically absorbed me, allowing me to express myself.

On October 4, 1994, in the General Assembly of the United Nations, a voice echoed the power of your leadership. In new words, on March 31, 1995, that same voice will repeat:

“Even now, with the peaceful launching of the operation “UPHOLD DEMOCRACY” on 19 September last year, a tropical smile has shed light upon the faces of those who espouse and love peace — Peacemakers, Peacekeepers, and Peacelovers. Together, President Clinton and we have managed to open up a “tunnel” of hope after so much suffering.”

That testimony by President Aristide at the U.N. emphasizes the magnitude of the efforts needed to bring about such a happy conclusion.

Your present trip to Haiti is the strongest confirmation of that sequence of events, and illustrates an unprecedented chapter in the annals of Haiti, as well as in the life of the Haitian people.

Thank you, Mr. President, for associating Haiti with your Strategic Development Initiative (S.D.I.) at the dawn of the “Star Peace”.

Lucien Bonnet

The following people contributed to this publication:

Corbeil, Maurice

Graphic Designer

Sorel, Jean


Verrando, Carlos

Desktop Publisher

Brien, Mélanie

Webdesigner / Webmaster

The paintings are the work of the well-known Haitian painter, Guerdy Préval.


The peaceful launching of the operation


By President Clinton


Earthquake that rocked Haiti

January 2010

The 7.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti on Tuesday occurred along a strike-slip fault, the same type as California's San Andreas fault. Pressure had probably been building for centuries.



The green line south of Port-au-Prince shows the fault line

where the 7.0-magnitude quake was centred.

The epicentre was 10 kilometres beneath the surface.

(U.S. Geological Survey)




A US Navy helicopter lands in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, 19 Jan 2010


Members from the 84th US Air Force Division stand guard in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince


U.S. Troops Land With in Haiti

AU-PRINCE AIRPORT: People line up on the tarmac for a flight out at the airport in Port-au-Prince.
(Brian Vander Brug /
Los Angeles Times)

NAVY: Members of the U.S. Navy are helping transfer personnel around the country, as well as delivering water.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)




Desperate: Survivors gather outside the ruins of Haiti's National Palace in the earthquake ravaged city of Port-au-Prince

More US Troops Land in Haiti, Additional UN Troops on Way

VOA News 19 January 2010

Michael Appleton for The New York Times


LOOTERS: A man taking part in the looting of a downtown Port-au-Prince store wears an Obama T-shirt. On the third day after the earthquake some of the police force has started to appear in the streets.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

U.N. troops try to control the crowd of thousands trying to get sacks of rice at a food distribution center. Most buildings in the capital city were made of concrete and cinder blocks, the heaviest materials people could find to withstand hurricanes; when the earthquake hit, the flimsy structures simply collapsed. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / January 25, 2010)



Obama T-shirt. On the third day after the earthquake some of the police force has started to appear in the streets.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)


 Nous suivons de près la situation et nous nous tenons prêts à porter assistance aux gens d'Haïti, a-t-il expliqué dans un communiqué.  



06.02.10 - 01:00 L'ancien président américain Bill Clinton, émissaire de l'ONU pour Haïti, est revenu vendredi à Port-au-Prince en pleine agitation populaire face à la lenteur des secours, plus de trois semaines après le séisme qui a dévasté le pays. 
L'ONU demande à Bill Clinton de coordonner l'aide internationale

Bill Clinton, accompagné de sa fille Chelsea, s'est rendu en Haïti le 18 janvier dernier.

Oncle Bill

Mandaté par Barack Obama, Bill Clinton a immédiatement porté main forte aux secouristes à son arrivée hautement médiatisée en Haïti.

Bill Clinton, émissaire de l'ONU pour Haïti, le 18 janvier 2010 à Port-au-Prince

Bill Clinton réclame plus d'aide en faveur d'Haïti

L'émissaire spécial des Nation unies pour Haïti, Bill Clinton a exprimé hier mardi son insatisfaction par rapport à la faible quantité d'aide accordée par la communauté internationale à Haïti après le séisme du 12 janvier.

L'ancien président américain a fait ces déclarations alors qu'il participait à une téléconférence qui a réunie toutes les agences de Nations Unies ainsi que plusieurs organisations internationale qui travaillent actuellement dans le pays après la catastrophe.



Haïti : la reconstruction éclipsée par l’humanitaire

13 mars 2010 | Publié dans la catégorie : Articles

Galerie | Photos : Sophia Paris


Bill Clinton veut lui aussi son Nobel

publié le 25/02/2010 à 07:00

L'ex-président américain aimerait se voir décerner le prix Nobel de la paix, comme Barack Obama.

Bill Clinton, émissaire de l'ONU pour Haïti, le 18 janvier 2010 à



Helping hand ... Bill Clinton and George Bush meet earthquake survivors. Photo: AFP  



Oncle Bill

Mandaté par Barack Obama, Bill Clinton a immédiatement porté main forte aux secouristes à son arrivée hautement médiatisée en Haïti.

Chelsea Clinton et sa mère Hillary partagent leur inquiétude et leurs préoccupations en rapport avec la situation catastrophique en Haïti| Photo Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

Le gigantesque navire-hôpital américain "Comfort" est ancré dans la Baie de Port-au-Prince.


Haïti frappé par la mort - Haïti frappé par le tremblement de terre - ParisMatch.com


La secrétaire d'État, Mme Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secrétaire d’État
Honolulu (Hawaï)
Mardi 12 janvier 201

Les Etats-Unis ont fournie une aide civile et militaire aux catastrophes ainsi qu'une assistance humanitaire, a déclaré la Secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton.  [...] Que les forces de la nature protègent HAITI et les Haitiens.

.Que la nature soit avec les Haitiens.  [...]

Hillary Clinton promet aux Haïtiens d'être là pour eux




“When we saw she was living, we all felt tremendous emotion”

Hillary Clinton a donné une conférence de presse peu après son arrivée en Haïti. À ses côtés, le président haïtien, René Préval.

Photo: AFP

La secrétaire d'État américaine Hillary Clinton s'est rendue samedi à Port-au-Prince et a assuré le gouvernement haïtien du soutien des États-Unis afin que le pays frappé par un séisme meurtrier puisse se reconstruire. Nous sommes ici aujourd’hui.

| Photo Carlo Barria / Reuters

Haïti au bord du chaos

Hillary Clinton promet aux Haïtiens d'être là pour eux

Photo: A

18 Ja





A U.S. Navy helicopter carrying first lady Michy and affirmed international support for reconstruction. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

den (far left) tour earthquake damage in Port Au-Prince, Haiti, along with Haitian President Rene Preval, a 


First Lady Michelle Obama, right, and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, greet children at a center for displaced children in Port-au-Prince, Tuesday,

According to the White House, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden arrived in
Port-au-Prince at 10:40 am and took a helicopter tour of the Haitian capital.


Yesterday, Michelle Obama, the first lady, and Jill Biden, the wife of vice president Joe Biden, visited Haiti. The visit, Mrs. Obama's first solo trip abroad, had been previously unannounced because of "security concerns" said sources at the White House. The New York Times reports:

"It's powerful," Mrs. Obama said after surveying the wreckage from above. "The devastation is definitely powerful."


 First Lady Michelle Obama greets children at a center for displaced children in Port Au-Prince, Haiti, April 13, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

First Lady Michelle Obama has made an unannounced visit to Haiti today as her first official trip abroad without President Obama gets underway. The First Lady is scheduled to spend three days in
According to the White House, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden arrived in
Port-au-Prince at 10:40 am and took a helicopter tour of the Haitian capital.


First Lady Michelle Obama greets children at a center for displaced children in Port Au-Prince, Haiti, April 13, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)


Obama and Jill Biden made a surprise visit to ted Haitian capital Tuennan

(First lady Michelle Obama, front second from right, Haiti's President Rene Preval, front second from left, and his wife, Elisabeth Deb



First Lady Michelle Obama greets children at a center for displaced children in Port Au-Prince, Haiti, April 13, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)